Monday, November 15, 2010

Spectral Classification Lab Write-Up

Problem: To understand the Morgan-Keenan system of spectral classification, find behavior of absorption lines and the relationship between wavelength, temperature, Balmer lines and spectral classification.

Hypothesis: Prior to doing the lab I thought that stronger Balmer lines would indicate a higher temperature.
Procedure: 1) I described the spectra in terms of flux pattern. 2) I estimated the Balmer line strength of each panel and ordered them from strongest to weakest lines. 3) I estimated the peak wavelength of each panel. 4) I used the estimated wavelengths to determine that temperature of each panel using Wein’s Law. 5) I used those temperatures to identify the hottest and coolest stars and ordered all panels from hottest to coolest. 6) I compared the order of temperature to the order of Balmer line strength to see if there was any relationship between the two.

Data and Calculations: Can be found on the lab worksheet that will be turned in tomorrow.
Conclusions: The lab helped me determine that there is somewhat of a relationship between Balmer line strength and temperature but the relationship isn’t entirely direct. I found that temperature was greatest in those stars with a Balmer strength that was neither low nor high. I was also reminded that peak wavelength is always a good indication of temperature and was given a greater understanding of how spectral classification can be used when you know the temperature of a given object (in this case, each panel of stars).

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