Monday, October 4, 2010

Scientific Methods Lab

Problem: Review five essentials of science: scientific notation, measurement errors and uncertainties, statistics, significant digits, and the scientific process.
Hypothesis: No specific hypothesis because of the nature of this lab but I expected to get a “brush up” on my knowledge of what constitutes a significant digit and how to express errors and uncertainties.
Procedure: We used a ruler and a scientific calculator to multiply numbers in scientific notation, estimated and measured distances and size, graphed statistics and found a line of best fit, and deciphered the amount of significant digits in a number.
Data and Calculations: Can be found on the hardcopy turned in on the day of the test.
Conclusion: The most beneficial portion of this lab for me was the section on significant digits as I was pretty familiar already with everything else in the lab.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know that significant figures are something new to many of you!
